How Life Changes When Goals Align with Your Core Values

How Life Changes When Goals Align with Your Core Values

One of the reasons people find themselves unsatisfied and unhappy in life is because something about themselves is out of alignment with their truth. If you don’t feel authentic, it’s hard to know what to do next. However, once you figure out who you are and ensure your goals align with your core values, your life will change positively in amazing ways.

Your Focus Will Improve 

It’s funny when you wake up each day and feel like you’re living your true authentic life every day becomes exciting and, if not exciting, at least productive. It’s so much easier to focus on tasks when you know they align with your values. Authenticity feels good.

Your Productivity Will Increase

As you start focusing more on your goals, you’ll notice that your productivity increases even while you feel less busy. Part of the reason is that you want to do more when you do things that you like doing and make you feel good about yourself. 

Your Self Esteem Will Explode 

Most issues with self-image have to do with feeling as if you’re not living an authentic life. When your actions match your values, it feels so good that you’ll feel much better about who you are and who you’re becoming. 

Your Life Will Feel Purposeful 

While you are valuable just as you are, whether you have a so-called purpose or not, living in alignment with your core values feels purposeful. This is because you know that the actions you take today will affect so much that you care about. 

Your Goals Will Be Easily Met 

It’s not hard to work on things you care about. You’ve probably heard that you are available for something you care about. Sometimes, that might upset you when you must go to work and leave your child; however, it’s not about that. It’s okay to go to work. Work is part of life, but it’s not the only part of life on which you need focus. 

Your Decision-Making Will Become Easier 

It’s easier to make decisions when you have a basis for guiding your choices. For example, if you value loyalty, you’ll ensure that your actions demonstrate that value. 

Your Self Compassion Will Improve 

Having compassion for yourself is an essential component of becoming more self-aware. As you learn who you are, loving the person you are right now, whether you are where you want to be or not, is an integral part of caring for yourself. Just like you love and care for your child or pet, even if they do wrong, you need to do the same for yourself. 

Your Relationships Will Be Stronger 

When your life is congruent with your values, your relationships will naturally become stronger. Sadly, you may notice a few relationships that fall off your radar, but this is all part of life and building relationships with the right people. 

Your core values are deeply personal to you and your own life. When you know what you value and represent that to the world (and yourself in private), you feel good as you embark on this journey called life. If you want to feel happiness and contentment, align your values with your goals.

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