3 Habits to Break That Will Make You a Better Leader

Do you want to become a better leader? We will examine how you can move from good to great during the seven-day challenge to transform your leadership skills. In case you missed the first day of the challenge, you can catch up here:

Day #1: Great leaders are always leading

Now on to day #2 of the challenge, where we talk about how to become a better leader.

Some people set out for leadership. They want to be in a leadership role and take charge. Other people find themselves in leadership roles reluctantly. They don’t necessarily see themselves as leaders, but circumstances or necessity dictates that they’ve got to step up and lead. Either way, both potential leaders bring more than positive skills to the plate.

We’ve all got habits that we need to break. Too much fast food. Binge-watching Netflix and other habits don’t always serve us. Leaders have bad habits, too – even when they are leading others. Breaking bad habits can make you a better leader. Breaking bad habits does more than reduce the negativity in your life, it moulds you into a better and more effective leader. Here’s how:

Losing the bad habit is one thing, but what you learn in the process is a secondary benefit. Dropping the bad habit itself will make you healthier, but overcoming the mindset and behaviours that accompany the bad habit is equally beneficial.

Here are 3 bad habits you can break that will make you a better leader

  1. Break the complaining habit: Complaining is a form of passive aggression. Complaining has no room in a leader’s tool kit. Complaining is an immature way to manage stress. Sure, recognizing that something isn’t right is essential. Analyzing things for their merit matters, but going on and on about it without making changes is worthless. Don’t misunderstand – there is a place and time to vent. But, if you want to wear people out and get them riled up, be a complainer. Instead, everyone wants to associate with those who solve problems and find solutions to whatever needs to be changed is the answer. Great leaders don’t complain about things. In place of complaining, outstanding leaders tackle problems and do what needs to be done.
  2. Break the gossiping habit: Gossip is the surest way to sabotage your leadership. Talking about others behind their backs doesn’t do anyone any good. As the saying goes- snuffing out someone else’s light doesn’t make yours shine brighter. Dropping the gossip habit is a bad habit that all good leaders let go of. It’s possible to avoid gossip by refusing to speak negatively about others. You can avoid gossip in groups by removing yourself from conversations that include gossip. You can also set the standard with the people you lead and those you influence on and off duty by making it a policy not to gossip.
  3. Break the avoidance habit: Leaders get things done. That’s why they’re leaders. Leaders don’t wait to be told what needs to be done. They recognize and see what needs to be taken care of and take the initiative. If something is difficult, they find help. If something is too complicated, they seek guidance. Leaders don’t procrastinate, and they avoid nothing. This includes avoiding tasks, avoiding tough conversations, and avoiding challenges. Dropping the avoidance habit helps make leaders more consistent and effective.

Whether you are asking to lead or being pushed into it, you might have some habits worth breaking before you do. Breaking these habits can help transform your effectiveness as a leader on and off duty and improve your overall life experience.

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